Thursday, March 1, 2018

Assessing Strengths

Recently, the place that I work sponsored a leadership development training program for the staff. I work at a private university and they are continually challenging us to grow in our positions, our education and as people. The assessment they took is called the CliftonStrengths Assessment. I was unable to attend the professional development seminar but was interested in finding out what my top five strengths were and learning how to use my strengths to best achieve the goals I have set for this year.

My top 5 strengths are:


"Your objective is to act and to initiate action. You cannot wait until the discussions are over, wondering when we can actually start doing something. Undoubtedly, sometimes the progress could be achieved in a meeting room, but deep down in your heart you know it’s the action that leads to tangible results. If some can be resistant to act because they don’t have full information, for you - acting is the best teacher and the best source of information. How can you know something does not work if we haven’t tried it? You make a decision, you take action, you look at the result, and you learn. As the result, you are impatient for action and, if not managed, it can lead to confusion of your team members. However, this talent of transforming intangible ideas into tangible actions is invaluable in every team. It’s all because you believe that you will be evaluated by what you get done, not what you say or what you think."


"Your objective is to believe and to do ‘the right thing’. Of course, ‘the right thing’ differs from person to person, but one thing is true - you have a certain set of values that you are not ready to compromise. Moreover, these values are like a compass guiding you, providing a direction and giving your life meaning and satisfaction. You believe that money is not the ultimate measure of success. Some people call you the person of purpose. Correspondingly, you choose people you spend time with and companies you work for with respect to the alignment to these values. It makes you very trustworthy and reliable in any environment. Your team members will always value your consistency."


"Your objective is to bring positive spirit. If there is someone believing that the glass is half-full instead of half-empty - then it’s you. Whether it’s a work project or a daily situation - you always manage to find a way to make everything more exciting. You inject enthusiasm into people and that’s why they love to be around with you. Sure, there are people who don’t buy your positivity - but could it set you back? No way! Your optimism simply would not allow it! In a team environment, you are generous with praise, grateful for people and circumstances, and quick to find positive in every situation, which is key in motivating people and mitigating conflicts."


"Your objective is to come up with new concepts and ideas. It’s not even your objective - it’s your way of life. You are constantly on the lookout to connect unconnectable things and to find new perspectives on familiar challenges. Whenever a new idea comes into your mind, you literally lit up like a light bulb. New angles, approaches and perspectives no matter how contrary or bizarre give you an endless source of energy. As the result, the others might see you as an innovative person willing to turn the world around and resort to you if they need some “out of the box” ideas. You are a clear source of creative juices in any team."


"Your objective is to develop people’s potential. Contrary to what others might think, you believe that every person has the potential for development. None of the people have achieved the ultimate level of excellence - there is always space to grow. You perceive it as a personal mission to help others utilize their potential and to experience success. As the result, you look for ways to facilitate their learning process - from challenging their thoughts in a discussion to creating environments which would facilitate learning process. You are one of those leaders that really care about the development of team members and they really appreciate it."

If you want to find out your top 5 strengths you can find the link I used here.

None of my strengths came as a real shocker. I want to learn how to take these strengths and use them to make me a better Christian, spouse, parent, friend, worker, and student. How can I take what I'm naturally inclined to do and use them to transform my home, my finances, and my life?

Often times I let my tank of positive energy and coaching empty while I'm at work. If I can take that enthusiasm and channel these ideals into my children I think it would change my outlook. The monotony of keeping home, chores, and life can sometimes break down my positive disposition. This is something I need to be aware of and work on. maintaining a positive attitude at home is almost more important than at work.

Seeing these strengths reminds me that my weaknesses are not following through, finishing a task, and sticking to a plan. These are the things I need to work on. I hope to grow in these areas by tackling them one small task at a time. If others have unlimited potential that means I must have it as well. How can I continue to grow as a person?

What is your top strength? How can we challenge each other?

Thank you for reading my blog. I greatly appreciate all of your support, kind words and ideas. I look forward to growing and moving forward on this journey with each of you.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A New Direction

Good Afternoon,

I have been struggling with keeping to a schedule this year but I want to re-kick off my year. I had set some goals in January and had a pretty good start but got off the train. 

My goals I set in January were three fold:

1) Run/walk/bike 2018 miles.

I have a great desire to be healthy and fit especially since my diagnosis two years ago. I want to make my fitness a priority to my goals this year. This was and is a great way to do that. 

How I fell off track: 

I just have not prioritized nor can I seem to find the time to get these miles in. I've been attempting to tackle everything this year and not focusing on one or two things and this lack of direction has caused all my balls to fall out of the air. This is certainly still a priority for my life that I am going to make happen this year.

How will I get back on Track:

I am purchasing a fitness watch to track my miles. I was depending on tracking my miles via what I ran/walked at the gym but I realized this was letting me down in a big way. I lost motivation because I realized how many more miles I was getting in and they were not being tracked. 

Another way to help get back on track is to stick with a workable schedule. I cannot do everything and it is time for me to cut myself some slack. I'm going to work on planning a schedule that allows me to maximize my time with my kids, homework, and still allows some time to work out.

2) Lose 100lbs in 2018. 

I have a great deal of weight to lose and between my cancer diagnosis and my eye disorder it is imperative I lose weight. However, this particular goal is getting thrown out. Instead of focusing on the numbers I'm going to focus on eating healthy for the entire family and getting in my work outs. If this goal happens great if not that's okay as well. The stress and sorrow of not hitting a certain number on the scale has been more detrimental then helpful.

3) Get out of debt. 

This is a goal I find to be incredibly important. However, I have noticed I don't seem to have a great plan for accomplishing this. Basically, whatever happens happens has been my plan. 

I recently applied for and was offered a job at a local retail location on top of my full time job. After careful thought and consideration (they low-balled me with pay and already attempted to violate my schedule we discussed in the interview) I think I need to go in a different direction. 

Plan for getting back on track:

Step 1: Budget -- We have tried budgeting for a long time but it seems something always gets in the way. We lack the will power to remain in our budget guidelines. 

Step 2: Meal Planning and Shopping Sales -- I'm pretty good with shopping sales but I think it is time to take this to the next level. This is where I plan on bringing all of you along with me. My blog is taking a semi-new direction. I want to be transparent and share how I can cut down a grocery bill for 8 people, cook healthy meals and enjoy a positive lifestyle while becoming financially accountable.

Along with blog entries I am planning on creating a YouTube diary with recipes, grocery shopping hauls and workout vlogs. I already have an Instagram where I share some of my recipes, workout motivation and food stories but I want to get all of these social media platforms on a schedule. This is also how I'm hoping to bring extra revenue in for my family as well to not only pay down debt but improve our home. 

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I want to encourage everyone to leave comments and participate in the dialogue. If you have suggestions for videos, blogs, recipes, or resources be sure to chime in. 

Thank you for reading my words. I want to be better more frugal and better at life. This journey is difficult to go alone but I am grateful for the support and love from each of you.

Edit: I realize I mention my cancer and eye disorder in this blog and haven't told the general public about these two things. They are nothing to worry about. I need to lose weight to help with my pseudo tumor (although they are unsure about their diagnosis) and I have a rare form of inoperable cancer that has most likely been with me all of my life. Both are under careful observation and as long as I have minimal symptoms the plan is to wait and see. 

I did not mention these things sooner because a dear friend of mine was dying of cancer and I couldn't talk about living with cancer while she was dying from it.