Tuesday, December 29, 2015


It's hard to believe the year is almost over. 2015 is almost done and in the books. 

2015 hasn't been the year I anticipated. It hasn't been awful but not amazing. I had these visions and goals for 2015 and while I met some of them most of them fell by the way side. 

2015 was a year where I failed myself. Life didn't really throw me to many unexpected twists but my personal choices certainly did. I think poor choices, lack of self control, and laziness are the worst way to fail because let's face it there is no one else to blame but myself.

For the first time since I had Little Bear I'm ending my year at a higher weight than I started it. I have 30lbs to drop in order to make it back to the weight I started the year. While my weight isn't the all important factor I certainly want my fitness level to be back to where it was. I still have my endurance but the extra weight isn't good on my body.

I have yet to see the doctor, dentist, or any real health professional this year. I'm horrible about going to see them. I did make it into the eye doctor (first time in 5 years) and had a new prescription. I also saw the chiropractor a good amount this year. I need to make appointments and go though. I need to be consistent for both myself and my family. After all I'm the example I want my kids to follow. I want them to understand their health is important. They don't necessarily need to be running to the doctor for everything but check ups and health screenings are imperative. (I did have a health screening through my husbands work and all my levels are great.)

Our finances are not amazing. We haven't stuck with a budget. I did open a savings account in 2015 but I haven't taken advantage of it as I should. 2016 will mean more financial accountability. 

I had a job I loved in 2015 but because of some awful situations I had to leave. I was however able to become a Jamberry consultant. I'm in love with this product, this company and the fact I get to work for myself essentially. If you want any information about Jamberry please be sure to check out our website and send me a message. 


We enrolled the kids into school this year for the first time. (We homeschooled up to this point.) I'm pleased with how it is going. Still some kinks to work out but the kids have adjusted well and so have we. Having more schedule has been good for all of us. 

2015, you were a year that will register as blah in my book. 

I look forward eagerly to 2016. I cannot wait to make my vision board and set my goals for the upcoming year! It is going to be a great one!

Until Later,


How did your 2015 go? Were you disappointed, excited, encouraged, challenged?